Saturday 15 June 2013

Happy Birthday to the Queen!

Where to begin... This week has been full of SO many fun adventures. The first adventure of the week starts off with our broken shower. After many calls and emails we finally had a repair man come and check out our broken shower in our flat. Apparently we have the wrong shower head and now have to wait until the new one comes in. Going on seven days of having to use showers in other flats or having to take a splash bath from a small trickle of water is getting old real quick. I'm hoping that Monday we will finally have that little adventure taken care of!

Other then our little shower fiasco, I have had so many great experiences this week. In the past week I went to the Man of Steel movie premiere, saw Wicked at the theatre, took a trip to Stonehenge, saw the Roman Baths, and saw the entire royal family at the Queen's birthday parade. I don't think i've ever seen so many celebrities in one week!

Wicked at the Apollo Theatre


The Roman Baths

The Roman Baths

The Queen at her birthday parade

Prince Charles and Prince William

Prince Harry and Duchess Kate

And lets not forget another big part of my week... My interview for my internship! The interview actually turned out to be more of a "meet and greet" and couldn't have gone better. After getting to see where I will be working for the next five weeks, I'm ready to get started. I will be interning for Felicities, which is a fashion PR agency in London. From the interview it sounds like I will be doing a lot to get ready for the upcoming London Fashion Week. I can't wait to see what's in store for me as I start my internship on Tuesday!

Headed to my Interview

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