Saturday 29 June 2013

Fit for a King

This week was another busy week full of interning, picnics, shopping trips to Harrods, The London Eye and our day trip to Hampton Court. My favorite part of the week was our day trip to Hampton Court. Although we took an unnecessarily long boat ride in the rain to Hampton Court it was still so awesome to see! We had lunch and then took a tour around the castle that once was home to King Henry the VIII. The castle was literally massive and I loved hearing about all the history. I easily could have gotten lost there. Which we actually did when going through the maze behind the gardens at the castle. After exploring the gardens and the maze we took a quick look around the gift shop and headed back to London on a train.

The Front of Hampton Court

Courtyard in the palace

King's Throne

The gardens

The castle view from the gardens

Getting ready to explore the maze

Tried to take a shortcut

We got lost a couple times

The Center of the maze!

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