Friday 21 June 2013

"The Americans"

I'm happy to say that I successfully made it through my first week of interning at Felicities. The first day was quite hectic and we were thrown into the mix as soon as we got there. Some of my interning tasks ranged from making tea and coffee to researching the latest news on our clients and becoming familiar with the designers. The reason for the craziness in the showroom was because two of the designers were being interviewed by BBC (London's local news channel). Mallory and I acquired the nickname of "The Americans" on the first day. Because the showroom is so small and the camera pick up on every sounds, Mallory, myself and one other intern stood in the storage closet while they did the filming. After about fifteen minutes they realized they had forget to tell us when then filming was over exclaiming how they "forgot about 'The Americans' in the closet on the first day!"

By the second day I was running errands all over London. My first errant consisted of a trip across town to pick up copies of Beige magazine. I'm proud to say I didn't even get lost on my first errand traveling to a new part of London. The next errand Mallory and I had to take a package to Chic Freak, a cool little boutique on Portobello Road. Overall I would say my first week of interning was definitely a learning experience with much more to come!

I'm Cutting this post a little short because I'm in a rush to pack for our weekend trip to The Cotswolds! More to come on my next posts about the British Museum and our getaway to The Cotswolds when I get back!

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