Thursday 18 July 2013

I got 99p but a Pound ain't One

& since all good things must come to an end, I guess my time in London must come to an end as well. In less than 24 hours I will be on my way to London Heathrow Airport to head back to the States. Not going to lie, its a bittersweet goodbye. Although I'm so excited to see my family and friends, I going to miss London life quite a lot! Since this was the last week of interning, everyone at Felicities gave "The Americans" (Mallory and I) a proper tea party and going away present, which was so sweet of them! Wednesday when we left work for the last time I felt even more sad then I though I would! It made me so thankful for the awesome opportunity I had to intern at Felicities!

Tea time!

So British...

Today was also our last day of classes. I can't believe how fast this trip has gone by! I am going to miss so many things about this amazing city!

Sad faces for our last day :(

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