Sunday 7 July 2013

Por Por Por Por Que?

After this weekend I definitely think I pass as a world traveler. Lauren, Mallory, Shaquita and myself spend the weekend in Girona and Barcelona Spain. Me, Mallory and Lauren flew into Girona where we spend Thursday night. The next day we then took a bus to Barcelona where we met up with Shaquita. Both places were SO much fun! We spend the 4th of July exploring Girona and eating amazing Catalonian food! During our one day visit we walked through the city, toured a beautiful cathedral, walked on top of the wall that surrounds the city of Girona, ate gelato, drank cafe con leche and even went to a rooftop concert at our Hostel. Girona was one of my favorite places I've gone so far and definitely the most beautiful! 


Wall surrounding Girona

Yummm Gelato is my favorite!

After our one night in Girona, we headed out early the next morning to head to Barcelona and meet up with Shaquita. After a morning of traveling we finally met up at our hotel. We spend our first day in Barcelona exploring the streets and city. We walked down the famous La Rambla, took a walk down to the pier and the beach stopped by a food market for lunch and spent the rest of the day exploring. We finished our day with a trip to the Magic Fountains to the fountains light show.

The Magic Fountains

At the Magic Fountains

La Boqueria Market

Barceloneta Pier

Our Second day we planned on going to tour the Sagrada Familia but decided to settle for pictures of the outside when we arrived to find a 2 hour wait. After Sagrada Familia we decided to grab a lunch and take it to Park Guell where we spend most of the afternoon. This was not the grassy knoll park that we though it would be. It was more a hike to get to the middle of the park, but the view from the top was breathtaking!
Gaudi's Sagrada Familia

View from Park Guell

The rest of the afternoon we spend relaxing and walking through the streets and little shops. For dinner we walked to the beach and had our last dinner in Barcelona at a restaurant on the beach with our new friend Leah we met at our hostel. And of course we had to get gelato on our last night in Barcelona! The next morning we left early to catch our morning flight home to London. After a weekend of traveling, I have to say I was worn out!

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