Tuesday 2 July 2013

& I Almost Forgot

Somehow I almost forgot to talk about how awesome visiting the British Museum was. Normally I wouldn't choose to spend my day walking around a museum, but the British Museum was full of SO much fascinating history. Much of the historic pieces were from the Roman time period which happens to be my favorite historical time period to learn about. Although our tour didn't cover nearly the whole museum, some of the things I got to see included stones and statues from the Parthenon, the Rosetta Stone, mummies, tombs, and ancient artifacts dating back to 600 BC. One of my favorite things I learned while at the museum was that the 5000 year old mummy gained the nickname "Ginger" because he too was a red head. So far the British Museum was definitely my favorite museum I have been to. The historical significance behind each artifact was so interesting to learn about.

The Rosetta Stone!

Largest artifact in the British Museum of King Ashurbanipal

Statues of the Roman gods

Statue of an Egyptian Pharaoh

An Egyptian Mummy

The Egyptians had style!

The mummy "Ginger"

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